Catalogue de formations transversales pour les chercheurs

34 Catalogue des formations transversales 2023-2024 Acquired skills Participants will have experimented different uses of mindmap and identified the contexts where mindmapping can be useful for them : presentation, time and project management, meeting… ZEN-THESIS: I GAIN EFFICIENCY WITH MINDMAPPING Intervenante Thérèse DUPONT Administration Research, Innovation, Support and Entreprises (RISE) – ULiège Public cible o R1 – PhD Candidates Informations pratiques o Code : UDOC0008 o Duration : 3h o Place : XX Août o Language : English o Max number of parcipants : 15 Objectives This training aims to o Make you discover the minmapping and its numerous uses : project management, animation and meeting report, decision making, data synthesis,… o Experiment them, o Gain efficiency in your daily work. Description The minmapping is a powerful and multipurpose tool. It allows you to structure your ideas in order to quickly have a global view on a complex thematic, to memorize easily, to organize, to make links,... It can be used in many occasions during your thesis. Through exercises and the realization of mindmaps, you will discover a few of the possible uses of this tool. Attention will also be drawn to the identification and use of visual elements (sketchnoting) that will empower your mindmaps.