Obtain a research mandate


btaining a research position to carry out research is not always an easy task for novice researchers, but also for those who have completed their doctorate. The profession is exciting, the University welcoming and informal, and many wish to continue to contribute their expertise and passion. Possibilities for stabilisation are unfortunately few and far between. But they exist...

Temporary researcher mandate

Several possibilities can be called upon for temporary researcher mandates:

  • a teacher's assistant mandate usually provides the possibility of teaching students along with a research activity.
  • a doctoral student mandate, granted by either the University or by the FNRS or the FRIA, which allows you to prepare a doctorate
  • a researcher mandate at the FNRS, for doctors with a very high scientific level
  • a post-doctoral mandate, assigned by the FNRS, the University with its own funds or European projects - if the researcher is a foreigner in a framework of international mobility
  • a researcher mandate, at the beginning of their career or with experience, on a research contract through a research team at ULiège.

Permanent researcher mandate

Permanent researcher mandates appear to be the least available and the least accessible. However, we underestimate the opportunities offered to researchers, initially only thinking of academic channels. A researcher can obtain a permanent position by applying:

  • for a permanent researcher mandate at the University
  • for an academic lecturer position - the candidate will be all the more appreciated if he/she has carried out significant research stays abroad
  • to the FNRS (qualified researcher)
  • to a company with significant research activity

ULiège is currently studying the possibility, under certain conditions, of giving permanent mandates to researchers engaged in research contracts. It thus intends to strengthen its commitment to the European Charter for Researchers.

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