


reated in 2011, the LIEGE CREATIVE Forum offers a permanent programme of conferences-meetings bringing together the research, business and cultural sectors in order to stimulate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Liège region.

Initiated by an important consortium of Liège forces, grouped around the University of Liège and coordinated by the service RISE, the Forum relies on the decompartmentalisation and complementarity of skills as sources of creativity to stimulate innovative projects.

Focused on the dialogue between the University and its region, the Forum is part of the third mission of ULiège: namely, citizenship.

The development of the programming is based on the principles of collective and territorial intelligence.

LIEGE CREATIVE benefits from the recognition and support of the FEDER, through European structural funds, thus strengthening the synergies with the creative ecosystem in the Liège Province. The forum is, since 2015, one of the major operators of the creative hub of Liège, PLUGR. The dynamic has also expanded its activities to the cities of Seraing and Verviers.

The dynamic also exists in the Province of Luxembourg, where it began in 2014.

Check out the agenda of the next meetings:

Direct access to the LIEGE CREATIVe websitE

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In April 2014, on the initiative of the service RISE, supported by the Province of Luxembourg, Idelux and the CCILB, a new Forum was created:  LUXEMBOURG CREATIVE. After a successful pilot season in the spring, LUXEMBOURG CREATIVE was launched in September 2014 while focusing on local partners.

LUXEMBOURG CREATIVE meetings-conferences are held in three cities, mainly: Arlon, Libramont, and Marche-en-Famenne. On the request of its participants and partners, the Forum also regularly organises meetings in other locations of the province and its surrounding area.

Topics covered are in line with the socio-economic activities in the region: agri-food, culture and tourism, timber, habitat and construction, the social economy, or even biotech.

LUXEMBOURG CREATIVE establishes the presence of the University in the south of Belgium and contributes to stimulating an ecosystem favourable to innovation, which brings together researchers, entrepreneurs and public actors.

Check out the agenda of the next meetings:

Direct access to the Luxembourg CREATIVE website

Useful links:

Geeks Anonymes

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The Geeks Anonymes meetings regularly bring together the actors of the research and business communities involved in software development. Through expert testimony, these encounters are the opportunity to discover new technologies, new practices, or simply to broaden your knowledge in software and ICT.


Direct access to the page of Geeks Anonymes

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The Point of the Liège science park

logo PointLSP Carre RVB

RISE proposes every last Friday of the month, on its premises, a breakfast conference intended for innovative companies, dealing with issues specific to their business. The forum is offered to advisors of support services in innovation, whether private or public. These encounters aim to facilitate company access to these services.

The HR discussion tables of the Liège science park:

The Company Committee of the LIEGE science park organises, every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., meetings intended for human resource managers. Organised rotationally in a company of the park, they aim for the exchange of good practices, the sharing of experiences, and the establishment of common solutions.

“Les midis" of the Liège science park:

The Company Committee of the LIEGE science park proposes, every 2nd Thursday of the month from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., meetings to better get to know one's neighbours. Organised rotationally in a company of the park, they propose the forum to 3 companies, which present their activities. They are followed by an informal exchange around a sandwich.

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