bandau august EN


MR3 - My Research in 3 minutes

A short training for a SUCCESsful Communication

About this course

How can you easily and shortly present your research?

The solution seems to be simple and well known. In practice however you're always stressed when you have to do it ...

This 1-hour online training will help you to know about the elements you have to consider, to discover some examples of good practices and to develop your own competences to outreach science.

This online course can be completed by a seminar for you to practice, receive advice from experts and peers, but also to experience interculturality and increase your self-confidence in stressful situations.

MR3 bloc pg1 EN

What you'll learn

  • Identify the essential elements of your research you want to communicate;
  • Identify the purpose of your presentation and define an adapted communication script;
  • Use a language appropriate to an audience of non-specialists;
  • Know the basic notions of non-verbal communication.

But also
  • Analyze ad criticize a presentation, to inspire you and find your own style;
  • Understand useful elements for the preparation of a digital CV by filming and preparing your video;
  • Understand relevant information required for a job interview;
  • Advise others (e.g. helping students who are preparing their M2 defense or presentation for a doctoral fellowship, ...).


Meet the conceptors


photo IHA - Copie

Dr. M.Sc. Engineering Isabelle HALLEUX

photo OLA - Copie

Dr. Ophélie LADRIÈRE




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