The University of Liège is part of the "Open Innovation" movement, opening the doors of its laboratories and the techniques developed there to the business world.

open innovation


he Open Innovation model was developed in the USA during the 90s (Prof. H. Chesborough), and has become widespread around the world and especially in Europe, which has adopted this basic scheme for the architecture of research programmes starting from the FP6 (Responsible Partnering Initiative).

For its part, Wallonia has adopted this line in an increasingly intensive manner since 1997, and the decree on the management of Intellectual Property by universities.

The 'Open Innovation Model' concept

This concept is based on:

  • A basic research of excellence organised by the public sector, complemented by an active management of intellectual property and control of results
  • An implication from research laboratories in the development of the proof of the new concept:
    • research through genuine partnership
    • a transfer of technology and knowledge
    • the creation of a new activity
  • Industrial and commercial exploitation by the business

Downstream of the research

Downstream of the basic research, three paths are favoured:

  1. Collaborative research with an industrial partner: the laboratory and company work together under the leadership of the company, with intellectual property depending on the respective contributions and exploration of innovation by the partner.
  2. The University continues alone or with a partner until proof of principle, then transfers the technology/solution via one or several licenses to companies for operation.
  3. The University continues alone or with a partner until proof of principle, then searches for financial partners to create a new activity to exploit the technology/solution.
ULiège RISE - Research Innnovation, Support & Enterprises
See the unit

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