The University of Liège received the "HR excellence in research" award for the first time in 2011. Numerous actions have been put in place and benefited researchers at all stages of their careers, from PhD students to full professors. However, after 10 years of working on compliance with the principles of the charter and the code, there are still some objectives to obtain, taking into account of course our context and constraints.

The HR Strategy and new 2021-2024 action plan  drafted by the Steering Committee (September 2021) was approved by the University board on October 13th,  2021. It responds to the weaknesses identified by the researchers in the updated gap analysis and to institutional priorities. It includes  ULiege’s Gender Equality Plan. We focus on developing actions on Gender as well as on Ethics and Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R).This has lead to a list of actions that may seem long, "unpacked", and with many indicators. However this list should be viewed by its practicality and the possibility of analysing the evolution of the implementation. Some indicators are designed to analyse the progress of the implementation of the actions, while others allow the impact of these actions to be perceived in the longer term.

The 2021-2024 Operational Action Plan  presents the actions with their status in 2017 and in 2021 as well as information on the date of implementation, the entity responsible for the action and the indicators selected for measuring and evaluating progress. The second table presents a summary the timeline for the actions over time.

News (3/2022) : The Gender Working Group drafted a list of actions for the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan

News (4/2022) : ULiege signed the Declaration of San Francisco (DORA) 



ARD: Administration for Research

ARH: Administration for Human Resources

CEIS: Council for Ethics and Scientific Integrity

HR WG: Steering committee subgroup on HR

GEP WG: Steering committee subgroup on Gender

SMAQ: Department of Quality Management

RPS: Department for Psychosocial Risk


Status coding of actions

Statut 2017   Statut 2021

initiated (implementation still started)
ongoing (implementation in progress)
running (action on track, will soon evolve to "completed") completed


in progress (implementation in progress)
extended (scope, objective extended, leading to new results and/or indicators)


About researchers' consultation

ULiege benefits from a strong representation and involvement of researchers in its bodies and committees. Within the HRS4R framework, researchers are mostly consulted through their professional associations (researchers are ex-officio members). They organise their own consultation, suggest actions and priorities. Researchers are also consulted directly during General Meetings.

During the pandemic, numerous surveys were launched among researchers to better understand their various needs. Many focused on their well-being, motivation and working conditions.

The doctoral students' network (RED) was particularly active. Together with ARD, they organised individual support, meetings and exchanges of good practices; they also developed useful tools for peers.

A member of the ARD is invited to researchers’ associations meetings and so ensure a permanent link with the HRS4R subgroups.

Researchers are finally regularly asked to share their practices in seminars, meetings and forums; this helps to disseminate the principles of the charter and the progress of the HR strategy.

Detailed explanation on the process and the involvement of researchers

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