Welcome guide for incoming ULg staff and visiting researchers

50 9.2. SOCIAL SERVICE FOR THE ULIÈGE PERSONNEL The Social Service for the Uliège personnel is at the disposal of all university employees who are facing difficult situations and are in need of assistance- be it of a personal or professional nature. The Social Service for the Uliège personnel works autonomously in order to respect the confidentiality of the employees and the matters discussed. A Social Worker is available to listen and offer information or resources depending on the situation, regardless of the individual’s personnel status. The Social Service for the Uliège personnel is available via appointment to discuss the following:  loans (certain criteria may apply)  financial assistance (certain criteria may apply)  information on social services  subscribing to collective health-care/ hospitalisation insurance, covering some medical or pharmaceutical expenses (under some conditions)  intervention in the event of psychological or sexual harassment in the workplace Social Service for the Uliège personnel Place du XX-Août, 9 (Bât. A1) 4000 LIÈGE Amandine LEGROS Secretary (English speaker) 04/366.55.28 - 55.29 service.social.personnel@ULiege.be S TUDENT L IFE & C ULTURAL D IVERSITY O FFICE AT G EMBLOUX Françoise DECAMP Passage des Déportés, 2 (Bât. G1) 5030 Gembloux 08/162 21 35 / 26 70 service.social.gembloux@uliege.be Infos