Catalogue de formations transversales pour les chercheurs

80 Catalogue des formations transversales 2023-2024 Developed skills Select the significant data, stucture your communication, conceive efficient presentation support material, estabish an attractive setting, deal with your body language and improve interaction with the audience and co-presenters. Goals To make a presentation implies to expose your research and yourself to the jugement of your audience – a stressful situation you might feel forced to endure passively. By improving your presentation skills, this training will allow you to become a real actor of your presentations and to make this jugement a success. Participants will work on their real research data and will learn how to set up scientific communications that are clear, precise and catchy. Description This training will tackle the formal aspects of public speech, from the selection of data to the presentation, including the staging of the communication and the conception of its support material. Partipants are invited to bring along a project of communication. The learning process will be based on their actual work for which they will receive personal coaching. At the end of the day, their scientific presentation skills should have significantly improved. PRESENT YOUR RESEARCH WITH IMPACT IN A SCIENTIFIC CONTEXT Speaker David HOMBURG HEC Liège, ULiège Target audience o From the 1st year of PhD o Participant will be working on a real communication (passed or to come) Practical informations o Reference : UDOC0089-1 o Duration: 1 day, 9.00-16.30 o Schedule : 1st semestre o Number of participants : 15