Catalogue de formations transversales pour les chercheurs

Open-Sources licenses, from zero to hero __________________________________________ 105 Software Developement Best Practices: A minimal toolbox_____________________________ 106 Software Developement Best Practices: from n00b to ninja ____________________________ 106 Git: A hands-on tutorial_________________________________________________________ 107 Unit & integration Tests: A primer in Python ________________________________________ 108, outil d’aide à la rédaction d’un plan de gestion de données – data management plan (DMP)___________________________________________________________________ 109 AXE 7 -SUPERVISION ET LEADERSHIP__________________________________________ 111 Professional Skills for Research Leaders (PSRL) ______________________________________ 112 Professional Skills for Research Leaders (do it at your own pace) ________________________ 113 Supervision doctoral studies (join a group)__________________________________________ 114 Supervision doctoral studies (do it at your own pace) _________________________________ 115 FOIRE AUX QUESTIONS_____________________________________________________ 116 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS _____________________________________________ 118 CANEVAS DE FORMATION DOCTORALE________________________________________ 107